Audience: Admins and Managers*

Subscription: Engage, Grow, Promote

* Managers do not have access to some financial data.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • About this course
  • 2

    Understanding your financials

    • Financial reporting in Wodify
    • Using filters: revenue collected
    • Reconciling Wodify and your bank statement with the Transaction History report
  • 3

    Understanding your clients and attendance records

    • Stay on track with your clients
    • Recommended reports
    • Reports for client attendance
    • Other common reports
  • 4

    Custom Reporting & Real Time Management

    • Custom Reporting
  • 5

    Next steps

    • Test your learning
    • Keep learning with Wodify!


Carla Mercurio

Wodify Account Manager

Carla Mercurio

Wodify guru, CrossFit coach, animal lover.