Audience: Admins and Managers

Subscription: Engage*, Grow, Promote

* Some features in this course are not available with the Engage package.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • About this course
  • 2

    Allowed payment methods and auto-bill settings

    • Configuring payment settings
    • Recommended allowed payment methods
    • Auto-bill settings
  • 3


    • How to create and apply membership discounts codes
    • Discounts are for internal use only
  • 4

    Promo Codes

    • How to create and apply promo codes
    • Applying a promo code
    • Using a promo code in the Online Sales Portal
  • 5

    How is a member billed for their membership?

    • Automatically billing clients
    • How does Wodify automatically charge my clients for their memberships?
    • Failed payments
    • Wodify Payments
  • 6

    Next steps

    • Test your learning
    • Keep learning with Wodify!


Mary Thomforde

Customer Engagement Coordinator

Mary Thomforde

Training for a Marathon so I am always hungry. Proud Puppy Parent. Wilderness First Responder. Certified Donut Tester.