Audience: Admins, Managers, Coaches

Subscription: Wodify Perform

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Wodify Perform

    • About this course
  • 2

    Programming with Wodify Perform

    • Creating Workouts
    • Custom Workouts
    • Secure programming
    • Test your learning (chapter assessment)
  • 3

    Getting your members to track their performance

    • Tracking performance
    • Adding workout results
    • Performance data access
    • Test your learning (chapter assessment)
  • 4

    Your new Whiteboard

    • See the results to build community
    • Getting started: hardware and tips
    • Test your learning (chapter assessment)
    • Keep learning with Wodify!


Carla Mercurio

Wodify Account Manager

Carla Mercurio

Wodify guru, CrossFit coach, animal lover.